
Hi! I am Kitty chan, welcome to my blog! I love being able to show the world my thoughts and ideas. Feel free to comment, I would love to hear anything you would have to say, or any advice for the future. I hope you enjoy reading my posts just as much as I enjoyed writing them! BYE!!!

update...on things...

Uhh...Hello. I have something to tell you all: I AM SERIOUSLY HATING SCHOOL. I'm doing well academically, but otherwise, not so well. I have never had trouble making friends. I'm never the "popular" one, but I'm never a loner or whatever, either...until now. I'm in a good school, filled with nice teachers and smart students (at least most of them are smart, anyway), but oddly enough I'm in a class where the following are possible: (1) no one has any of the same interests as me (2) no one has any interest in me (3) for some stupid reason someone has pure hatred towards me (4) I have pure hatred towards someone (with very good reasons) (5) Other... (6) A mixture of/all of the above. So...yeah.

On a happier subject, IT'S HALLOWEEN! Lets all rejoice! I luv Halloween. No, not for the candy, or the dressing up (though I do enjoy those things very much), but just being able to spend a spooky night with your friends outside, or barely surviving cheesy horror films inside...alone.
I'm just going to use my Ichigo costume. Yeah, again. Whatever. Ichigo kawaii desu!!!



Amy George said...

Hi Kitty Chan,

So sorry to read you are hating your school. I wonder if you were allowed to express yourself with clothes, if then you'd make more friends. Your cat ears alone could make you the most popular girl in school!

I didn't read too much more than about you hating school because the pink text on the green background makes my eyes cross! Seriously, I can't read it. I love that color combo of pink & green - but maybe with green lettering instead?

So nice to see you last week. I might be in Boston again at Thanksgiving.

I hope you have a magical Halloween!

stars & rockets
Amy (George)

Anonymous said...

god you're a fucking weaboo

Kitty chan (キティちゃん) said...

Excuse me? I find that term very offensive. Yes, I'm intrested in Japanese culture, but it's not all I talk about irl. I just wanted to make this blog about it. I'm not even an otaku, I have more of a life than just obsessing over Japan, but whatever.

Thanks! ありがとう!

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