
Hi! I am Kitty chan, welcome to my blog! I love being able to show the world my thoughts and ideas. Feel free to comment, I would love to hear anything you would have to say, or any advice for the future. I hope you enjoy reading my posts just as much as I enjoyed writing them! BYE!!!

Fave Artists+Hunchback+Birthday!!!

Hi!!!My birthday was April 4th! I had so much fun. Also, recently I preformed with Vox Lumier in their Hunchback performance. Basically, there are 8 main singers/dancers, a background chorus, and behind that is the silent film (it was kinda like a rock opera). Another of my fave books is The Hunchback of Notre Dame, so of course I was really excited! The experience was amazing, and a lot of the songs are really cool, so definitely check them out! By the way, sorry for the last post, I was in kind of a grumpy mood when I wrote it (I had just woken up)!

On another note, I have come up with a (basic) list of my favorite artists:
  • Mark Ryden
  • Camilla d'Eririco
  • Nagi Noda (RIP)
  • Audrey Kawasaki
  • Nicoletta Ceccoli
  • Amy Sol
  • Junko Mizuno
  • Arthur Rackham (RIP)
  • Yoshimoto Nara
  • Trevor Brown
  • Miss Van


Hello, I've been writing on this blog for almost a year now and most of the feedback I've gotten has been great! Thanks for the support and I'll try to make this blog better. The rest of the feedback has been not so great. For people calling me a wannabe or whatever, its really not going to work. I'm proud to be Eurasian, and if you have a problem with that, don't read my blog. I take Japanese in school so of course it helps to be interested in the culture. Ever since I was little I've been a xenophile, always interested in other cultures. I go through phases of interests, first Egypt, then France, now it just so happens to be Japan. I'm not "wapanese", nor am I a "weeabo" or anything of that nature. People who call others that are clearly bored and have nothing better to do. Anyway, I just wanted to say that nothing will get me down, and thanks to my readers!


Thanks! ありがとう!

hello! thank you for viewing my blog! I hope you continue to check back every so often!