
I am very sad, my tiny floating turtle recently passed away. It is harder than you would think to take care of small animals. Sometimes giving them everything they need isn't enough, they're just not made to live for long periods of time, usually. I believe that most things happen for good reasons. We just don't realize them yet.

BOOM BOOM Meccha Maccho Story Version

A little while ago I posted the the dance shot version of this song. Now I also have the story version. So if you want more dance, watch the other one, if you want story watch this one, or watch both. Any way you choose, I think you'll like it!

Kawaii News! vol.1

Oh, sorry, I couldn't write about Kawaii on Monday because I was sick, so I'll just write today. Okay, suddenly there has been a huge Cuteness Phase with many countries. I have noticed that many movies, cartoons, and toys are kind of being inspired by anime. The characters' eyes are getting bigger and bigger, and the expressions on the faces are more exaggerated, well not that American cartoons weren't already exaggerated enough. There is now some anime playing on Nickelodeon, I think it's great that people on the other side the earth can see the glory of anime. A few years ago Tokyo Pop books decided to make manga that was made of the stars of Disney. Whether people know it or not, Anime and Manga are becoming more mainstream in other countries.


If you ask me, sometimes shoes are the most important part of what you wear. If you're not wearing the right shoes, you could totally mess up an outfit. When I shop, I try to buy clothing to go with the shoes I have. I mean, you want to do your shoes justice, if you think about it, shoes do big favors for you. And I know this might be a huge bias, but most men kind of have it easy. My dad buys only 3 or 4 pairs of shoes to last for as long as they're in one piece! (No offence daddy, I luv you!) Anyway, I've gotten way off the subject as always. But what I'm really trying to say is that you should honor your shoes, they do a great deal for you!

Three Cute Commercials

These are so kawaii! Two of them star the girls from W.

Creative Videos

I think Japanese music videos are so creative. They each are as upbeat and entertaining as the songs! I love Jpop and Jrock so much! Don't you? Anyway, the song is Robo Kiss by W (Double You) .

Gyaruru: BOOM BOOM Meccha Maccho

Just some cute Jpop!

Pit Bulls

I don't care what anyone says, I think Pit Bulls are wonderful.I have one and she is the sweetest dog you could ever meet! When someones at the door, they will be protective and bark, but that's good, because you don't want a dog that's going to let an intruder get away! My dog for some reason thinks she's a little puppy, when she's really a 65 pound 2 year old. She loves to lay on your lap and sleep with me under the covers with a teddy bear, of course! She also only likes tiny male dogs. I love my baby and I wish the world could see that Pit Bulls aren't vicious monsters. Above is a picture of my dog from Halloween.

Some Dollfie Outfits!


These are the best dolls in the world! Number 1: the dolls themselves are gorgeous, but the clothing and shoes are made better than most of the things I wear. The price range of finished dolls is anywhere from $108 to about $1,000. These dolls might be a bit pricey, but believe me, they're worth it.
P.S. The one on the right is a boy!

Yoshitomo Nara & Takashi Murakami

These are two of my favorite artists. Yes, they're both Japanese, but that has nothing really to do with why I like them. There's a quirky beauty to the mad faces of the girls Nara creates and the colorful pooping elephants Murakami makes. They somehow seem to connect these weird images with their traditional Japanese roots. If you haven't already heard of them, make sure to check them out. In the meantime, look at the wonderful pictures displayed above.


Okay, Lets take a break from fashion and talk about something that is fun, informative, portable, and passes the time-READING! I love books. But I'm kind of picky when it comes to choosing the best ones. I'm not the fastest reader, unless I'm reading a creepy classic that's full of suspense. I mean, I can read quickly, but when I read I don't want to rush. I want to take in the beauty of the book, sometimes read sentences over again. But as I said earlier, if I'm reading something scary, I seem to zip right through them. It's not that I'm more interested in them, but there is just something about spine-chilling stories that make me want to read more and more. Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that if your bored, the best thing to do is read. Because "Reading Is Magic"!


Steampunk is an interesting fashion that began in the 80's and 90's. It is based on the early Victorian look, but has an edgy flare. Recently I have been attempting airbrush. Now, your probably thinking: "Why is she talking about airbrush when she's suppose to be talking about this zany style?" Well, believe me, I may be crazy but I know what I'm talking about! Steampunk is a genre of art. Many movies such as Steamboy and The Golden Compass use this fantasy like technique. I saw the clothing and was amazed. Then I was thinking:"Hey! This stuff looks exactly like the Tokyo Street Fashion!" And if you think about it, it is.

Tokyo Lolita Look

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Su-Pa Kawaii News!!!

I have decided that every week or so I will write a new thing about the concept of KAWAII and about new ideas and things going on with the Tokyo street fashion. I will start next Monday. So remember to check in! BYE!

xoxo, Kitty Chan :3


Wow, I have to give props to Hello Kitty. She's been around for about 30 years, and is still able to appear youthful, and continue with her extremely joyful and bubbly personality! How does that girl do it!!!

Preppy Or Punk

OK, I have been talking alot about Japane-se fashion but I care about American fashion too! If you ask me, fashion is fashion, and shouldn't really be split into sections. Recently I've been asking my self: If I had to be put into a certain group such as "preppy" or "punk" what would it be? And then I realized that I can't be put into a group. No one can. We are just ourselves, and we should have the freedom to have a different look each day!

Unusual Friends

When New Meets Old

We know combining different styles is fun, so mixing two time periods should be even more fun. Victorian dresses and wigs can be mixed with urban trends! Kimonos can be merged with baby-doll dresses! Actually, that's already been done. The style is called Waloli, or Wa Lolita. Above is a great example! Wow I sooo wish I had that dress!

Cute Kittens Sleeping

Oh My Gosh! Izn't this just teh sweetest thing?!!! Me'z got it from Cute Overload. Me'z just luvz it! Whoeverz got thiz shot sure iz lucky!

P.S. Yez, I speak LOL Catz.

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